[Open-box Review] Clever Hunter from Nutsplanet by Legion of the Cow
Miniature Review – Clever Hunter from Nutsplanet.
Jason Martin (RedRum)
A wonderful, digitally sculpted 75mm figure, with a wealth of details and options.
Highly detailed.
Various painting options.
Reasonably uniques subject.
Some fragile pieces that require care.
Many parts and will need careful planning.
It seems that the reviews are coming thick and fast at the moment, but the truth is a lot of these have been in the pipeline for several months, but with delays and Christmas holidays I now have a backlog to work through.Nutsplanet are regular contributors and this month sees two releases from their Trigger series of miniatures land on my doorstep!
Great presentation…
As always the figure arrived quickly and safely, the box is adorned with the box art, this time painted by Ki Yeol Yoon and is the fourth release in the series. The small parts, there are quite a few, are safely stored in three zip lock bags and then there’s the main piece of the torso and a nice scenic display base depicting a section of railway. In total there are 19 parts including, optional head, arm carrying lamp and the copper wire. All of this safely cushioned between layers of shaped foam. On opening the box you get that instant impact of the smell of the resin and to be honest its one I actually enjoy now. The smell of a new figure, Nice!
The figure is digitally sculpted by Joo Heum Yoon, the print quality is exceptional, none of those horizontal tiers present, which transfers well to the casting process.
All those parts!
The figure is cast in grey resin, typical of Korean manufacturers it has a strong smell and releases very small particulates when sanding and filing. Luckily the cast is so good there is little cleaning required. I can’t see any moldlines and there are no defects such as cracks or holes. However, there are some parts that will need their casting plugs removed and this should be done with caution so as to avoid snapping any of the fragile parts (such as the axe). There are what seems to be pegs under each boot which normally would slot into a base but there are no holes on the base provided so I’m guessing these may be plugs also and will require removing before you can attach the figure to its scenic base.
The choice of heads, right arm and also the right leg are to be attached using the typical hole and pin assembly. The fitting is so tight, there are no gaps whatsoever. This is handy not only because it saves on prepping the miniature but, if when you are
planning the project you feel you want to leave the head separate or the lamp arm for ease of painting, then the parts can be painted first and attached afterwards with no fear of unsightly gaps! Nice! Care will also need to be taken in general with pieces such as the rifle with its fine trigger guard and the bolt cutters too. All of these fine details are impeccably cast.
The sculpt is really well detailed, in fact I’m a little staggered by the amount of detail on the piece. The figure is in 75mm scale and stands approximately 75mm in height. I’m assuming this level of small, fine detail is testament not only to the sculptor but also an indicator of what is possible with digital sculpting when applied correctly. The texture to the anorak alone is stunning, replete with buttons, pockets, fur lined hood and even the indomitable, ever present hood strap!
Really like the detail to the head options.
The creases to the trousers are realistic and the folds that bunch up just above the boot is a really nice touch. Sometimes sculptors can be lazy with these type of details. The texture to the “beanie” hat and the facial hair again is perfect…. But I really like the head wearing the gas mask! I’m assuming the wire included in the kit is for the handle to the lamp, if not then I need to go back to the drawing board and have another look. As I have already mentioned the level and accuracy of the details is stunning.
I think the figure has been planned very carefully and just swapping an arm and a head totally transforms the mood and composition of the figure.
Options to change the mood.
Building the figure with “beanie” hat and flask immediately portrays a hunter that is relaxed and confident, so much so that he has his flask out for a little refreshment. Yet with the same torso and legs and just swapping the heads and replacing the right arm with that holding the lamp, it totally transforms the atmosphere of the piece. Now we have a hunter that’s perhaps more cautious, taking no chances and primed to spring into life.
There are many elements to this figure including the fabric types, fur, skin, metallics, wood etc. There are plenty of textures too that should make for an interesting project. When you also consider that discussed above, regarding the pose and interchangeable parts, there are twice the number of possible palettes. With the “beanie” head and flask this piece could be painted during day light hours, or maybe illuminated by a camp fire, swap the head and arm and all of a sudden he’s plunged into eerie darkness, maybe in a forest setting or stalking through damp tunnels, sewers or even a cave system. Even if he’s to be attached to his scenic base with the section of railway track, thus limiting his environmental settings, there are a wealth of painting options here, when considering the atmosphere of the piece.
I think this piece is particularly unique, I can’t say I’ve seen too many of this type in this scale and certainly not at this level of detail! I believe it can be depicted in numerous ways and I hope to see many different versions of it on the web over the coming months!
Front view.
I really admire the level of work that is put into each new release by Nutsplanet and Benny Sa and the team are doing a wonderful job and have found their place in the hearts of many within our community. Long may it continue!
No of PIECES 19
RELEASE DATE Available now
Original link : http://legionofthecow.com/2016/01/07/miniature-review-clever-hunter-from-nutsplanet/